The side of films that are A) made to apeal to the viewer , or B) the true making of a film to express a story and show the talents of a director/wrtiter andfull capabilities and of film making . Option A is the type of film released for money. They dont care if people see the meaning or really relate to the story its to sell tickets and MERCHANDISE. movies liikeee, Highschool Musical(2006)! this movie was originally a family channel movie made by disney when it EXPLODED . it was the biggest seller of tht time period and soon enough HSM was everywhere, it was scary! tshirts, pens, backpacks,hats, furniture, bed spreads, keychains. you get loured in by your kid to buy it ALL and then by the time the next movie comes out like TWILIGHT(2008), the kid doesnt give a toot about HSM anymore they want all the new rage. ( twilight also has a very good story line and is very interesting, also based on the book so its kinda on both sides) BTW THE SEQUIL TWILIGHT SEGA : NEW MOON WAS AMAAAAAZZINGGG !, twilight uses the special effects to create an action filled eye catching audience loooooring film these movies often alwaysssssss have sequils , HSM has 3 so far and twilight 2 has just came out.
One reallygood movie that sticks in my mind iS the movie SE7EN (1995). its about a serial killer out to teach the 7 sins, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttoney, greed, wrath.
This movie shows true talent of the director and writer. it teaches a moral and is made into a very interesting story. director David Fincher really focuses on the plot and characters to really make it A good film. the little things are still important for the viewer to really be put in that scene. he still uses the magic of special effects with bleach bypass which creates a brooding dark look which creates the mood for a movie . this movie, lets just say made less money than Twilight : P you know how i know? common knowledge. ; ) these kind of movies are less likely to have a sequil.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My Thoughts on Teens In The Media...
i think teens watch tv and follow fads and get ideas on who they are. maybe to relate to a fave character on television and say im just like them or i like there style i want to dress like that, or everyones so pretty why arent i that pretty? they are sometimes potrayed in the media with dramatic shows like The Hills or Laguna Beach becuase it is all snobby rich people who have nothing better to do then create drama for the people watching and following there life story at home. teenagers really never have that much drama in there lives and its just how anyone would want to live in hollywood or in california by the beach with tons of money and tons of good lookin people. these kind of shows make teenage life look like its all about drama and money. some shows/movies realte to teens. like 8 simple rules, it follows the family life with 3 children. it is funny but shows the struggles of parenting 3 teenagers. The oldest, typical teenage girl, only cares about boys and her looks and skips school, brings home bad boyfreinds, talks back you know the drill. theres the middle teen a sensitive caring girl who is smart and artistic and cares where her life is going, some people can relate to this and then the boy. the youngest teen sporty, likes to be annoying to his sisters and is just hitting puberty. this is more pointed in the stereotypical view of the media, but is enough reality to be believable.
i think teens watch tv and follow fads and get ideas on who they are. maybe to relate to a fave character on television and say im just like them or i like there style i want to dress like that, or everyones so pretty why arent i that pretty? they are sometimes potrayed in the media with dramatic shows like The Hills or Laguna Beach becuase it is all snobby rich people who have nothing better to do then create drama for the people watching and following there life story at home. teenagers really never have that much drama in there lives and its just how anyone would want to live in hollywood or in california by the beach with tons of money and tons of good lookin people. these kind of shows make teenage life look like its all about drama and money. some shows/movies realte to teens. like 8 simple rules, it follows the family life with 3 children. it is funny but shows the struggles of parenting 3 teenagers. The oldest, typical teenage girl, only cares about boys and her looks and skips school, brings home bad boyfreinds, talks back you know the drill. theres the middle teen a sensitive caring girl who is smart and artistic and cares where her life is going, some people can relate to this and then the boy. the youngest teen sporty, likes to be annoying to his sisters and is just hitting puberty. this is more pointed in the stereotypical view of the media, but is enough reality to be believable.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Music im sure has its hold on 99% of the world. music is the most passionate thing a person can have in their life. if it comes to being passionate about dance, playing an instrument,singing, mixing,or just listening, music connectsall of these things together. music can put any mood on a persons mind, music can teach a lesson, and most of all music is the one thing you can always relate to. i am very passionate about music because i can relate to it no matter what mood i am in, or if im in a bad mood a can be in a good one by listening to my favourite song. music also come with dancing, and i love to dance.there is many different styles of dance and they all are according to the stayle or feel of the music. The music that means the most to me is country or R&B, songs that have meaning or just songs that pump me up , make me happy like Techno. i wuld rather listen to a slow meaningful song than a rap song , except sometimes if im in the mood for some good beatzz, i know i think its weird too. i really like Brad Paisley &Taylor Swift, for there most meaningfull, touching, relatable lyrics, they also have awesome songs that get your mood up, and i like Brooks and Dunn , there mostly counrty/rock. Other music im really into is Sublime, Classified,and Slightly Stoopid. they mix rap with reggae and skaa, its really cool music to listen to and i like CLassified because they are candian and write EXCELLENT LYRICS. If im feeling bored, sad, happy, excited, tired, or scared music is always there to have my back.

Today, we have so much to be thankful for . devices that are life changing, time saving and set a craving. Cellphones, computers, laptops, GPS,Bluetooth, I-Pods. Without these things most of us could not live with out out am i right? Modern pop culture is what the people want and like , which is obviously what will come out and sell. I have nothing against any of this. these days we have the technology to have these resources why WOULDNT you want to use them ALL? i mostly use media forrrrr....NEWS,SHOPPING,ENTERTAINMENT AND ANYTHING ELSE I CAN THINK OF. I PERSONALLLY CANT LIVE WITHOUT A COMPUTER, TV, CELL PHONE OR IPOD < (oops caps). they are all non-human resources as well. everyones shares them, and exchanges them
Friday, September 18, 2009
# 2
The types of media i feel most passionate about are music, t.v and mags. Music puts across a message. this message is not so much to sell a product but to sell the artists name. Artists make music according to what people like so they will buy their music. This falls under POPULAR CULTURE..doesnt it? Also i am passionate about music because it develops a persons personality or mood and i enjoy music. Television is very important when it comes to media because you can see anything on television from products you would like to buy,movies you would like to see, you can watch the news, and you can watch your favourite television program. Magazines are important to the media for advertising purposes anddd they usually have good looking people in them or onthe front cover to capture the eye.these arethe 3 forms of media i think effect society the most.
Assignment # 1
I believe that media is extremely important in my life. Media connects you to the world, and just makes everything so much easier. Media lets you know whats in style, updates you on local news, and presents you with new movies/products. media constructs your whole being in the community and as a person.
Monday, September 14, 2009
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