Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Critical Review, for you Mr. Edwards!!!! read it and weep

Caution: aliens may become angry if review is too critical.
The Fourth Kind
(based on true events)

This is a film conducted of a series of true events, nit is believed these people that came into the hypnotist/therapist were dealing with alien encounters. This took place in 1972, when the same things were occurung to these people in a small town in Alaska , a lady took it into her own hands to find out what was going on and thus brought her to the fourth kind, she claims her daughter was abducted. The sighting of a UFO is the 1st kind, when evidence is collected it is known as the 2nd kind, when human contact is made, the 3rd and the 4th is known as abduction.

You really do have to believe in aliens to get caught up in the fourth kind, but in some cases non-believers become believers. There is a mix of real video footage and of actors. Now seeing the real footage is very freaky and bone chilling, it was a good way to make the audience believe the story more. When your just watching the movie everything really comes together in a realy believable story and that “based on true events” line that comes up before watching it really gets people believing everything they see.

Once the movie is over you start to really think, the whole thing may be staged because of the acting in it, they could have added anything in . It is based on true events and having the real footage in with the movie makes it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not for the fact that it is a movie. Its just like Paranormal Activity, a movie that was just released about a couple getting demon encounters on tape , turns out everything was staged when I Googled it. You shouldn’t have to do research a movie to know if you believe it or not. Seeing actual video footage can fool people into thinking its real, because it looks like reality, but reality is, it CAN be staged just as easily.